What You Should Know About Popular Kids Sports Drinks

So, you are active in sports or have children that are?

So, you are active in sports or have children that are? You grab some of your favorite “Sports Drink” from the grocery store. It’s a beautiful red color. But, what is actually in that drink? Chances are that it is a nice, bright color because of some kind of food dye. That might not seem like a big deal, but it just might be… It’s a big enough deal that in 2010, The European Union started to require that foods with artificial dyes be labeled. In the US, the FDA has not required this, but it might be an idea worth giving some consideration to. After all, the color has no impact on the nutrient value or taste, so even if there is a chance it’s not all that good for youor your children, wouldn’t you be better off avoiding it

Studies have linked 6 popular artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose, saccharine, neotame, advantame and acesulfame potassium-k (ace-k)) to “adverse effects such as cancer, weight gain, metabolic disorders, type-2 diabetes and alteration of gut microbiota activity.”1 Which might lead most health-conscious consumers to decide that they and their families are better off without them.

Between 1950 and 2012, the amount of artificial food colors approved for useby the FDA increased five-fold. 1Conditions like Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ADD/ADHD may be negative effected by the use of artificial preservatives, colors and dyes. A study, entitled “Foods and additives are common causes of the attention deficit hyperactive disorder in children”demonstrated that dietary factors (including artificial dyes) had a negative impact on the majority of children with ADHD1. Complex health problems like ADD/ADHD obviously have manycontributing factors, but eliminating artificial food dyes and colors is something that can be included in an individual or family’s plan to live the healthiest lifestyle possible. In fact, it is fairly common practice for Functionally minded health carepractitioners to recommend the elimination of food colors and dyes in children who have conditions like ADD/ADHD. Manyparents will report improvements in focus, behavior and concentration.

Let me ask you a question… If you could replace your sports drink, filled with artificial colors and dyes, with a great tasting, highly effective, natural alternative, wouldn’t you want todo it?! It willgive you and your family the greatest opportunity forcurrent and future great health. You deserve every advantage you can get. Meet ePickl. All of the benefits. None of the junk.


  1. Stevens LJ, Burgess JR, Stochelski MA, Kuczek T. Amounts of artificial food colors in commonly consumed beverages and potential behavioral implications for consumption in children. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2014 Feb;53(2):133-40. doi: 10.1177/0009922813502849. Epub 2013 Sep 13. PMID: 24037921.
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