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“The bottom line is I have everything I need: I own my home, I have a beautiful wife, I have a beautiful daughter, I have an insane dog that is a tyrant, and I have a lot of great things going on in my life.

“I’m still here; I’m still doing it.”

And while he’s not quite where he would like to be, professionally speaking, Gordon has a shining example of how doing the right things and one moment can create a spark that changes everything in the form of his former roommate, UFC welterweight champion Belal Muhammad.

“Belal became undeniable, and then went out and won the title,” he said of his former teammate and longtime friend. “He’s a huge inspiration to me, we’re really close, and watching him do what he’s done is nothing short of incredible. Of course it inspires me to keep pushing, keep going.

This Saturday’s Rising Stars

“I try to take what I can from what he does to implement it into my life — fight-wise, spiritually, religiously — and use the things that work for him in my own life.

“I know all it takes is one moment,” continued Gordon. “I could have an interview or one moment in a fight where people go nuts. There are so many opportunities, and I know they will come, as long as I’m doing the right things, and not acting out, doing bad things. I’m just excited to see what happens.”

And in the meantime, “Flash” has plenty of other incredible things to keep him busy.

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